Five Facts About Stink Bugs

In the last decade the Stink Bugs are becoming one of the species raising concerns among the farm and garden owners. The good conditions they found in the US, their ability to reproduce fast and their pesticide resistance are some of the reasons making them a real threat.

Currently you can find a lot of websites and topics on the internet related to eliminating these little "friends", different insecticide offerings helping you fight them and of course guides for getting rid of them by yourself.

I think one of the worst sides of a stink bug infestation is that it can transfer from your garden, a nearby farm or just some fruit trees around you into your home. Well, this is something I definitely don't recommend to anyone to experience.

Let me give you some of the facts about the Stink Bugs and what you should know about them:

Fact 1 - Insect Origin

Stink Bugs are coming from Asia where they are a known agricultural pest. When I learned this fact I was thinking "How on earth they moved to the US?" Well, the answer is an easy one. With the amount of trade between Asian countries (especially China) and other countries around the world the insects came as a part of the shipment. Most probably they came in containers with goods or just as ship passengers.

Fact 2 - Name Origin

Stink Bugs are also called Shield Bugs. The reasons for both names are a bit different. One is the more popular name used widely and the second is has a scientific origin.

They are called Stink Bugs because they are using a smelly liquid as a mean of protection against predators. The smell is not nice and a human is definitely not protected against it. They will release it if you hold them in your hands, if you smash them or do something else that will make them feel in danger.

The Shield Bugs name comes from the shield form of their bodies. The insects also have top and under wings. The top wings are harder (like a shield or armor) while the under wings are membranous.

Fact 3 - Their Menu

The Shield Bugs are mostly vegetarians. They eat vegetables, fruits or different plants which seem tasty to them. Among the favorite foods are tomatoes, apples, soybean etc. You can recognize that there was a recent bug feast when you see the yellow spots on the places they sucked juices from. With that being said an infestation can really have a damaging effect on the farms and gardens.

There are also predatory species of Shield Bugs which eat other bugs and also other Stink Bugs. The predator bugs are considered one of the ways to fight infestations.

Fact 4 - Do they bite humans? Why not?

This is not a well-known fact and there are some people defending the theory that they do not bite. Now I've had the experience to be bitten by a Stink Bug and can tell you that they definitely do it. Now don't get me wrong! Shield Bugs are generally harmless and they are not feeding on your blood like the mosquitoes, so you should not feel in danger. This however is again a protective reaction and if you make them feel threatened, you will feel their bite. They are not poisonous and there will be no lasting consequences for you or your kids.

Fact 5 - How do they move?

They are flying bugs. Using the membranous wings they are flying in order to move to their preferred food source.