Garden Weeds and the Use of Systematic Weed Killer

Garden weeds can spoil the beauty of your garden and also the fertility of the soil can get drastically reduced because of their presence. Consider the remarkable grass bed that you have been so proud of have garden weeds sprouting through it and if you are some one who has a penchant for cleanliness and neatness, it can be very irritating. It can be quite possible that the garden weeds that have grown in your garden have made you wonder whether the use of a lawn mower will be a good idea.

It is quite possible and most of the times it is that the owners of a grass patch mow the lawns with garden weeds growing in it assuming that the weeds would not remain. This is cannot be far from wrong garden weeds first of all grow on their own accord and they do not allow any other vegetation to grow as fast. Their seeds also grow very fast and if they are not taken care of quickly, they can sap all the nourishment of the soil leaving all the other plants high and dry. The removal of the garden weeds as quickly as possible becomes important and they certainly do not get eliminated if they are cut and trimmed using the lawn mowers. Garden weeds mostly draw their nourishment from the soil and therefore even if they are trimmed using a lawn mower, then without their leaves they can still grow. Cutting garden weeds is not the solution.

The solution to the problem lies in the use of systemic weed killers. These are the weed killers which do not kill the garden weeds directly. These are meant to be sprayed or spread in the lawn full of garden weeds and they get absorbed in the soil. They do not affect the garden weeds immediately. The effect of the systemic weed killers is seen over the garden weeds over a period of two to three weeks when the contaminants from the weed killers reach the system of the garden weeds via the roots. They are absorbed from the soil and they push the garden weeds towards extinction by affecting them from the inside. However, during this time, the garden weeds can spread their seeds and there are more garden weeds in prominence. Therefore if you do not want the problem to grow, then regularly mow your lawn using a lawn mower and trimming the grass and the garden weeds together will help minimize the spread of garden weeds and once the weed killer starts to take effect, the new and !

the older garden weeds together will be eliminated in their infancy. This mode of removal of garden weeds though is long but is more effective than the other weed killers.Selective weed killer is not as powerful as a Glyphosate non selective one for killing garden weeds however it can be used in flower beds and on lawns. Non selective ones work quicker and are great on paths so this is what I used to solve my gardening problems.