How Can I Stop Foreclosure On My House?

How Can I Stop Foreclosure On My House?

 by: Mark Lambie

We understand the being in foreclosure is a scary thing. You are probably wondering how can I stop foreclosure on my house. There are many options available when facing foreclosure. They may include reinstating the loan, forbearance, loan modification, mortgage refinancing, sale of the property, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or bankruptcy filing.

There are also many services that will work with your to help with your situation. These companies are able to tailor a plan specific to your needs. It is most important to know that time is your worst enemy when facing foreclosure. Even if you are just one payment behind, you should do something rather than wait until you are even more behind. This may sound like common sense but many people fail to do something, and just pretend like nothing it wrong. Seeking help before you are 90 days or more behind on your payments can greatly increase your chances of success.

Here are a few tips if you are facing foreclosure. First no not ignore any attempts of contact from your lender specifically letters. If you can not keep up on your payment, call or write to your lender and explain your situation. Be prepared to give financial information, and tell them that you would like to work out an arrangement until you can resume making timely payments. It is also a good idea to keep records of any contact you have with your lender. Keep in mind that any workout plan you agree to with your lender should be realistic, don’t agree to something you can’t follow through with.

If the bank is not willing or able to work something out with you consider getting in touch with a loss mitigation service. They will be able to work with you and develop a plan that can save your home. They will work with you one on one and structure a plan that is best suited to your needs. Since everyone’s situation is different contact them to tell them your specific situation. Many have forms you can simply fill out and get a response within hours. For more information on loss mitigation services visit for a free foreclosure situation analysis