Insulation is something which can have a huge impact on your heating bills. A home that is not properly insulated will be one that is difficult to heat or cool efficiently and this can lead to a number of issues. The first is a massive heating bill. Because your furnace or other heating system will have to turn on more frequently in order to keep a room at a livable temperature it will use more fuel and your heating bill will increase as a result. If your furnace is running more frequently you will find that it may wear out more frequently and need to be replaced more quickly.
The kind of insulation is important
The kind of insulation that you use is important. There are certain products that are designed for use in certain areas of the home. If you do not choose the right product you will often find that it will not work properly and you will not be able to achieve the right level of insulation.
Some of the most common forms of insulation include batt or blanket insulation, loose-fill insulation and spray foam insulation. Depending on where you are trying to insulate you may find that one or more of these is most suitable for what you are trying to achieve.
How much insulation do you need?
This can be difficult to tell since it will vary from location to location. One benchmark to aim for is to insulate an attic to a depth that is more than 200 mm. This depth will allow you to reduce your heating costs on your home heating bill. The attic is a crucial area to insulate since heat rises and a large amount of heat can be lost through the roof of your home if it is not prevented from doing so.
Other areas that can affect your heating and energy bills
One area that many people do not consider insulating is the basement. You may want to look in your basement to ensure that the area under the floor is properly insulated. By adding insulation to this area you can often prevent air from entering your home or heat from escaping.
Another area where insulation can reduce heating bills is the area around your hot water heater. There are blankets on the market which can safely insulate a hot water tank or heater. By making sure that this is properly insulated you can prevent heat loss on an ongoing basis and can lower your energy bills by a substantial amount.