It's Important To Have A Functioning Septic System

Although it's something that nobody really likes to think about, having a properly working septic tank is incredibly important. A malfunctioning one can easily send sewage and gas back up the pipes and out through your drains. This makes proper septic and sewage maintenance paramount for both hygienic and environmental reasons, as improperly maintained septic tanks can also leach raw sewage and dangerous chemicals into the ground. Proper sewage maintenance is particularly important in Atlanta, where the high summer temperatures only make a bad situation worse if you are suffering from sewage issue.

Hiring an experienced plumber can save you from costly repairs and dangerous sewage leaks, and keep your home and property hygienic and environmentally friendly. Many sewage and septic tank issues can be prevented by basic maintenance and common sense. Both in-house plumbing systems and septic tanks should be annually inspected for damage by a licensed plumber. To protect your pipes, you shouldn't put grease or large food particles down drains, since they can easily clog pipes.

As far as the septic tank goes, you shouldn't put any chemicals down the toilet, which can leach to the ground or disrupt the bacteria in the tank. Additionally, you shouldn't flush anything that won't break down. This means such as plastic items or sanitary napkins, which can clog the pipes and stop up the septic tank. Although it sounds simple, this combination of common sense and regular maintenance can prevent the majority of sewage issues.

You should also be careful when planting trees and shrubs in your yard. Far reaching roots can break through pipes or the walls of septic tanks. Likewise, you shouldn't install a swimming pool within fifteen feet of your septic tank's draining field. This field must remain easily accessible for maintenance and draining.

Even with the best maintenance, septic tanks and sewer lines are going to have problems sometimes. If your drains are working slowly or clogging often, you should call a licensed drain cleaning service or plumber promptly. You may have a large scale accumulation of hair, soap scum, food particles or grease, and they will be able to blast through this gunk. This is not only good for the health of your pipes, it is also an important step in maintaining the hygiene in your home.

Likewise with septic tanks, if you are beginning to have problems with your toilets flushing, or experience wet patches or sulfuric smells in your yard, you should contact your plumber as soon as possible. Whereas septic repairs used to be very destructive. However, now many plumbing repair companies can carry out the job in a less invasive way. They are equipped with flexible cameras that can go through the sewer lines and diagnose the problem without having to take apart the pipes or dig up the septic tank.