Locksmith is a person who works in the repair, installation, and construction of locks and locking devices and makes keys. Locksmithing is traditionally a hard trade to get hands on.
It takes time to learn the basic fundamentals and terminology. Take the time to learn and do it right. Dont get overly anxious and dont expect overnight success. There are many fly-by-nighters who read one book then hit the streets thinking they know it all. The overall best thing to do is to grab a locksmith until he gives you something to do. Ask for a job in his or her shop doing really basic stuff, like being a handyman or counter person. Take on little tasks and build from there. Its pretty hard to get a job in a shop without experience, but your persistency and sincerity will sometimes crack through that hard outer shell. This is an exclusive club for which you seek membership. You must be determined to be a member before you will be accepted. Sure, you can learn and develop yourself into being a locksmith all on your own, you will need friends on the inside starting from day one and on throughout your career as a locksmith.
Starting from scratch, it can be a tremendous financial strain to get the equipment you need. It isn’t cheap. Concentrate primarily on what you need to keep on hand - certain key blanks, key originating machine, key duplicator, manuals, etc. Hardware (until you grow a little bit and can keep it in stock) can be purchased as needed from your local locksmith supplier. Keep your day job if your means are tight, and get what you can, as you can. Every tool you get should be a matter of priority. For instance, if you primarily make car keys, then invest in a code cutting machine before investing in a drill rig for safes. The code cutter will allow me to make more money faster, and then you can afford more equipment to help you expand your skills a little more, then make even more money faster, and buy more equipment to do more things and so on. Remember, your tools and your abilities make you a locksmith - not the title at the bottom of your business card.
You will never stop learning new ways, new things, or even old ways and old things. Many locksmiths when they run into each other at the wholesale house, or association meetings, or other places often share tricks and ideas. Such places are a valuable source of knowledge.
However, the best way to start out will be to take a correspondence course. This will introduce you to the basics and terminology, and you can learn at your own pace. These often offer a code cutting machine with the course and are good to have when just starting out. Make the money and buy better later, work on your abilities first. Join your local locksmiths association. Most associations are based on training and education. Many will also accept you if you are not yet a locksmith, but are engaged in recognized locksmith training, and are sponsored by a member of the association who knows you.
Get in on anything locksmith that you hear about. There are traveling trade shows where manufacturers and suppliers get together and show off and sell their goods. They even have raffles for equipment and tools. Go in, look around, see what there is and learn what you are up against. Also, get all the trade magazines. Youll discover why as you read them.
Your training will never stop. Dont let it. If there is something in particular youre good at, learn all there is to know about it. Then learn about related things and so on. Just remember that no matter how much you learn about something, theres always something else to learn about it.
Many states require that you obtain a locksmith license to obtain, possess, and use locksmithing equipment. You will have to check the laws in your state and community regarding this issue.
Most of all, always remember that the equipment you acquire and the information you learn is highly sensitive security material, no matter how trivial it may seem to you. Locksmithing information and materials in the wrong hands can and usually does have catastrophic results.
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