Magazine Ads A New Decorating Idea

Magazine Ads A New Decorating Idea

 by: Chuck Young

Without realizing it, I stumbled across a trend in decorating that I had no idea existed. It seems that many people are using vintage magazine ads as home decorations.

For example, if you have a home bar, you may be interested in framing some old Ballantines ale or Jack Daniels ads.

If your first car was a 1969 Chevelle, you may want to frame a vintage Chevrolet ad.

Colorful full page ads seem to spark the most interest.

I've heard all sorts of great ideas from people. The latest was a customer that was going to wallpaper their bathroom with vintage soap and perfume ads. Truly creative!

While magazine ads are a great decorating idea, I've also found that some well placed antique tools can be very attractive as well.