Natural Stain Removal Tips

There are many stains that we need to clean up every day. Using a natural cleaner is the best solution. Here are some tips for removing stains.


Act quickly. Rub the stain with soap and warm water to make a lather and leave to sit a while before washing as normal. If the stain persists after one wash, rub glycerine into the spot and wash again. Avocado stones are particularly staining, so don't cut them in half.


Fresh cold water is the best method. If you have got blood on an item of clothing, soak it overnight in cold water. In the case of cleaning blood off carpets, sponge the area with lots of cold water before blotting dry.


Easier to wash out than you might think, given the brilliant colour. Ordinary soap and water will do the trick, in this writer's experience. Fresh beetroot can be quite staining to the skin, so if you have been chopping or grating fresh beetroot, wash your hands very thoroughly afterwards, possibly using a scrubbing brush and/or an exfoliating soap (e.g. one with oatmeal) before going near paper or anything pale coloured.

Chewing gum:

First, freeze the chewing gum hard by holding an ice cube over the spot (takes at least 10 minutes, so be patient). Then pick off as much as you can, using fingernails and/or a blunt knife. Garments can be put directly into the freezer and frozen solid. Any residue can be sponged with vinegar before washing as normal.


Flood the stain or spill with lots of cold water before washing as normal. For cleaning carpets, blot up the excess water with a towel after flooding the site of the spill. This usually does the trick, but if any residue remains, rub a little soap onto the site and scrub the carpet gently, working the soap up to a foam. Blot with fresh water again to remove the foam. Allow to dry.

Egg Yolk:

As this is a protein stain, treat it with cold water. Soaking overnight followed by normal washing tends to work for most items. However, a small greasy stain may remain. Treat this either by rubbing a paste of baking soda and salt into the spot and allowing to dry before washing as normal.


Remove grass stains by rubbing strong alcohol into the spot and allowing it to "sit" before washing as normal. Alternatively, rub Sard Wonder Soap (if you can get hold of it) onto the site and work it up to a lather. Allow it to sit for at least ten minutes before washing as normal. Really bad grass stains (usually found on sports clothes) may require soaking overnight in warm soapy water as well as regular treatment.


Ballpoint pen ink washes out in the regular wash, as anyone who tried to decorate a pair of jeans on the cheap by doodling on them found out. It may take several washes. If you're in more of a hurry, apply a little strong alcohol such as rubbing alcohol or vodka.


Either rub the spot with glycerine or with alcohol and allow to sit for a bit before washing as normal.


Items with really bad mildew should be thrown away. Mild mildew can be treated by rubbing the spot with lemon juice and putting the item into the sun. This kills the mould spores. Vinegar also works, but has less of a bleaching action, so may be suitable for coloured or black items.


Many oil, grease or fat stains can be treated by scrubbing the site of the stain with warm soapy water until it lathers. If the stain persists, treat it with a paste of baking soda and eucalyptus essential oil. Allow this paste to dry before washing as normal.

Permanent marker:

Douse the site with strong alcohol as soon as possible, then soak or wash before the alcohol evaporates. Many people claim that hair spray will also work to remove permanent marker.


Scrape off as much as possible with loo paper. Using rubber gloves, rub a paste of baking soda and water into the site to remove the smell and any fatty residues, and allow this to dry before washing as normal. Dry in full sunshine to kill any remaining germs.

Red wine:

Immediately scatter salt over the spill to absorb as much as possible. Leave for half an hour (or until dry) before sweeping up or vacuuming up the salt. Be generous with the salt. Alternatively, flood the spill with white wine or fresh water (or soda water) to dilute the red and blot up with a towel. Flood with more fresh water and continue blotting until the stain disappears.


It's not exactly natural, but a little kerosene works wonders. Alternatively, try freezing the tar hard with an ice pack before scraping and picking it off. Glycerine or vegetable oil can also be used to soften the tar, followed by eucalyptus essential oil. Leave the essential oil to work in and try scraping again.


Sponge with vinegar before washing.


This is a stain remover in its own right, so it doesn't actually stain! Balsamic vinegar may stain, but sponging the site with white vinegar will dilute it. Wash as normal.