Organize Your Office Or Work Space The Professional Way

Who wants to go to their office everyday only to be greeted with a hill of unfilled documents in one corner, folders and documents dispersed all over the work surface in layers inches deep, heaps of old disks pushed here-leaning stacks of reports there? Old coffee cups here, dropped reports and newspapers pushed there? Would it not be nice to be well placed to find the stapler, scissors, a pen, pencil or even just your keyboard and PC mouse simply? Do you occasionally get screamed at because you absolutely blew by a cut off point at work that you fully forgot because you did not have it written down on a calendar? There is a straightforward solution:organize your office or workspace.

First, make a spacious office or working are. Clear the walk-way in your office or working are. Take out all the unnecessary office hardware, boxes stored along the walls or under a cubicle. You will be stunned at the extra space that you procure by doing this and less clutter leads to less stress.

What's the one thing in your office or working are that is used consistently? Your desktop. Your desktop or working surface area is more than simply where you conduct tiny chit-chats with your colleagues, it serves to hold vital files and documents, your portable computer or computer, phone, potentially fax machine too. Concentrate on cleaning this first. Clear off everything and group like items with like items on the floor close by. Place folders to be filed with other folders to be filed, place loose documents to be filed together, group your pens and pencils and highlighters. You get it. Drop or shred any papers that are not relevant to work you or doing or have done. First drafts of final documents and newsletters and old papers and post it notes for finished jobs, shred or junk them.

If you find you need more help with your organization, purchase or request more hanging file folders for your filing drawers or desktop shelves and bins. Drawer organizers for writing devices, staples, staplers, paperclips, etc are also a great help. You may even get hanging bins that attach to a wall or can hook OTT of a cubicle wall.

Label. Label. Label. Label your bins and shelves and file folders so that you will know where to find something when you are hunting for it. You can take this organization one step further by organizing labeled files alphabetically or by task or job or client or other topical criteria. Hang a bulletin-board or magnetic dry erase board on your wall to help remember vital reminders and appointments. You may also use a paper weight to help hold down and secure loose papers on your desk.

It is very important to organize your office or working are because it considerably reflects your character and personality. If you need to come across as put-together, organized, efficient and capable, it would be highly beneficial to have a work space that reflects and projects this disposition. Being organized can also help provoke your coworkers to not only become arranged, but stay that way. A little time and effort organizing your office can have many lasting positive results, you simply need to do it.