Port Huron's Sewer Problems Call for Sewer Cleanup Services

In 2000, 150 homes in Port Huron, Michigan were flooded with sewage and the affected residents sued the city. In October of this year, after almost a decade, the city settled the case for $9.3 million. However, there are two more pending sewerage lawsuits involving more than 100 plaintiffs indicating that Port Huron's troubles with its sewerage system are far from over.

The same is true for the residents of Port Huron who chose to remain in the city even as many have already left because of the sewage backups. One affected home in a southern Port Huron community continued to experience flooding since they filed the lawsuit. The sewer cleanup of their flooded basement cost about $42,000 which was almost equivalent to what the owner paid for the house 10 years ago.

Port Huron's Sewer Problems

The terrible sewage backups is due to the fact that the city's public sewer system handles both storm water and sanitary sewage, making backups very likely when heavy rains hit the city and overwhelm the sewers. In addition to this, Port Huron also has many homes with failing septic tanks. It appeared that the city was not suitable geographically for septic systems since there is located near a creek that often saturated the low-lying clay soil. As the local government and responsible agencies work to come up with effective solutions to solve the city's sewer problems, residents have no choice but to deal with sewer cleanup.

Minimal Damages

If there is minimal water damage to the home, homeowners just need to clean up the overflow promptly and make sure to clean and disinfect the affected area. In most cases, regular household cleaning and sanitizing products will do the job. Just make sure to read the products' directions for use.

Why Hire Professional Cleanup Services

If the damage is extensive, Port Huron residents are strongly advised to call the help of a professional instead of attempting to do the cleanup themselves, especially if dealing with raw sewage. Still, even in the case of a sanitary sewer overflow, exposure to contaminated water that has not been treated will cause adverse health effects from skin infections to vomiting, abdominal pain, allergic reactions and respiratory problems. This is why sewer cleanup is best handled by professionals who are trained on safe cleanup procedures.

In addition, the cleanup is just the first part of the process. The wet surfaces must be dried out completely. Otherwise, harmful microorganisms will thrive in the area and will multiply as long as there is high level of moisture. An unpleasant, musty odor will permeate the place long after the flooding. Ordinary homes will not have the specialized equipment needed for proper drying and dehumidification.

Get a Qualified Contractor

With the real need for sewer backup cleaning services in Port Huron, many companies have made their services available. It is very important for Port Huron homeowners to make sure that they hire a professional licensed sewer cleanup company. Whether the government or the insurance company pays for the cleanup or the homeowner ends up shouldering the expenses, the primary concern should be ensuring that the job is carried out properly and safely to eliminate serious health hazards as well as secondary damage such as mold growth.