Setting Up A Newsletter

Setting Up A Newsletter

 by: Paul Jesse

It is a proven fact that companies that offer newsletters have more follow up sales than those who do not. As a result, setting up a newsletter is an incredibly effective tool that any business interested in making sales or increasing business should utilize. There are several pointers that will help you begin setting up a newsletter for your company.

First, you will need a reason for a newsletter and a reason for potential subscribers to sign up. This can include offering a free sample, free e-book, specialized information and the like. Your newsletter can be about any number of things, it just needs to have a target market and provide the information the subscribers want and need.

When you have a newsletter and are offering subscribers something for signing up, then you will have their contact information and will be able to follow up with these individuals. It has been proven that more than 70% of sales are made after the third to fifth contact, so having contact information will prove very valuable for your company.

Once you have a reason to have a newsletter, you will need to begin formatting a professional newsletter to provide to your subscribers. Consequently, you will want to buy software that will help you format your newsletter so it can be easily read, distributed and look professional. There are many types of software on the market that can help you do this. However, look around for one that meets your needs. If you are not creating a very difficult newsletter, then there are plenty of programs that can create professional looking newsletters that do not cost a lot of money. The software program you buy should correlate with your newsletter design needs.While you are investing in this software.

You will also want a software program that will automate your newsletter and provide subscribe and unsubscribe automatically to subscribers. This will make your newsletter dispersal and cancellations easier on you and it puts the subscribers in control of whether or not they receive the newsletter. If you do not have a program to do this for you then you will end up spending uncountable hours adding and subtracting people to and from your newsletter. If you don’t keep up with it, people will start sending additional and uglier emails to get you to remove them from the list, which further clogs your email system. What’s worse, once someone subscribes if they are not added immediately they might forget about it. A software program that is automated is certainly worth its cost if you are going to offer a newsletter.

Finally, make sure you know your market and are marketing your newsletter to these individuals. If so, you will have more subscribers and ultimately more sales because of this. As long as you are aware and constantly trying to meet the needs of your target market through your newsletter and services, your business will continue to grow.