The Magic of Flowers

Flowers are natural gifts that beautify our environment.
Whether used in an arrangement to grace the kitchen table
or placed in a vase by the bedside, flowers provide a
sense of invitation and welcome to guests and offer the
sweet fragrances of springtime in the process. The gift of
flowers can brighten anyone’s day and bring an abundance
of happiness to those who receive them.

Flowers are Magic

The gift of a single flower is often a reflection of a
romantic intention or some other form of feelings that are
being expressed to another. Such an offering can bring
magic to the moment, if received by a special someone.
More than simply offering a pleasant experience to the
senses, flowers can bring an acute sense of pleasure to
the heart of the recipient.

According to previous studies, a floral aroma can have an
impact on human emotions, in contrast to unpleasant odors,
which can cause irritability and a sense of discontent. The very
color of a flower may have a profound effect on an individual.

Flowers and Their Meanings

Contrary to what you may have been told, there are no
specific meanings that are associated with flower types or
colors. When giving the gift of flowers, people tend to
personalize the experience by offering the types and/or
colors that carry a significant meaning to the person or
occasion. Due to the widespread belief, however, that
certain meanings are attached to particular flower types,
the Society of American Florists has composed a list of
flower/meaning associations, in accordance with their

Meanings according to type:
Anemone - Fragility;
Apple Blossom - Promise;
Baby’s Breath - Festivity;
Begonia - Deep Thoughts;
Camellia - Graciousness;
Daisy - Innocence;
Forget-Me-Not – Eternal Remembrance;
Holly - Domestic Happiness;
Lilac - First Love;
Orchid - Delicate Beauty;

Meanings according to color:
Pink Rose - Friendship;
Red Rose - Passion;
Red & White Rose - Love and Unity;
Yellow Rose - Zeal;
Purple Tulip - Royalty;

Cut Flowers
As a result of the mounting global market and
technological advances, an abundance of flower varieties
are available throughout the year. Some of the most
beautiful and diverse arrangements contain a mixture of
fresh cut and other types of flowers or plants. Contained
within this section are some of the more common varieties
that are available through most local florists.

One of the more classic flowers – the rose – is available
in a variety of genres, including the tea rose, the
sweetheart rose and the spray rose. The nearly 120 arrays
of roses that retailers commonly carry contain all shades
of the spectrum, such as those of the red, pink, purple,
orange, coral, peach and white families. The style of
growth, as well as color, may differ from type to type.
For example, tea roses will open from three to four
inches, with stems spanning 12 to 30 inches in length;
whereas the stems of spray roses may contain several
flowers each.

The variety and type of rose will determine its life span,
but most will typically live between four and seven days
after cutting. Due to their delicate nature, stems should
be placed in the vase very gingerly. In order to reduce
the build-up of bacteria, any foliage that is apparent
immediately above the water line should be removed. For
maximum life expectancy, stems should be re-cut every two
to three days.

Lilies may also be referred to by variety, such as in the
case of the Asiatic Lily or Oriental Lily. These flower
types can be recognized by their trumpet-shaped petals and
can reach six inches in diameter. The height of their
stems can reach up to three feet and may sport four to
eight blossoms. Their color varieties include white,
yellow, pink, red and orange.

Due to their poisonous nature – specifically concerning
the members of the feline family - the National Animal
Poison Control Center recommends keeping all forms of
lilies out of the reach of your household pets.

Tulips – known by no specific variety names – grow as
single blossoms, containing six petals each. Variations
include those of the lily-flowering, double flowering,
fringe-petaled and ruffled parrot genres. The color array
includes white, yellow, pink, peach, orange, red, lavender
and purple, as well as a bi-color variety.

The orchid, also known as cymbidium, dendrobium, oncidium,
cattleya and phalaenopsis, are available in a variety of
shapes and sizes – the largest of these being cymbidiums.
Including all varieties, there are currently over 17,000
species which span the globe.

Personal preference will dictate which flower, color
and/or arrangement is most suitable for that special
someone in your life, as well as which room of the house
in which to display the arrangement.

The Growing Popularity of Wildflowers

While these were once seen as mere weeds, the
misunderstood wildflower has recently gained popularity,
as a result of the botanical education that’s been offered
by a variety of gardening experts. Wildflowers serve a
purpose beyond that of simple beauty, as evidenced by the
fact that small country gardens containing these types of
flowers are known to attract birds and caterpillars.
Growing such a garden is beneficial, both to the senses
and to the area wildlife.

Among the more popular wild flowers are honeysuckle,
foxglove, red campion, lesser celandine, herb Robert and
forget-me-not. Certain areas of the world have developed
such an appreciation for wildflowers that the uprooting of
them is illegal. Many people agree with this, since they
tend to think of it in terms of preventing the removal of
the landscape’s natural beauty.

About the Author

Author Karen Escaland is the publisher of Avon
Flowers a
source of quality information for anyone with an interest
in Flowers. For more articles please visit