The Reality of Grease Fire Damage and Ways to Avoid It

Grease fire damage is real - as real as fires happen in the kitchen. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners take this issue for granted, except maybe, for some residents who experienced it themselves like those from Mary Esther in northwest Florida.

Grease from Home Cooking

A condominium unit owner did not expect that the harmless looking grease from cooking French fries would cause damage to the entire kitchen and make the unit not livable. Although no one was reportedly injured, thanks to the prompt response of fire fighters, damages to properties still took place. While grease fires happen at home, some establishments like restaurants are more prone to such incidents.

Restaurant Grease Build-up

Case in point is the Aberdeen Restaurant in Maryland. While the fire didn't actually started from the heavy build-up of grease but from the grill's exhaust hood, the situation went out of control when the fire suppression failed due to grease. More than a hundred thousand dollars worth of property were lost as a result of this grease fire damage.

Getting Rid of Grease

Keep stoves and grills clean but do not forget other kitchen surfaces as well. It is not only grease that you should rid off but fats and oil too and food spills. Water mixed with baking soda will do the job. If the surface is painted, you can create a solution of starch with water and brush it on the surface gently. Soon as it has dried, you can use cloth or soft brush to remove grease.

Handling grease fire

If you failed to avoid the situation, do not panic. Assess the fire quickly. If it is contained in the pan, place a lid to suffocate fire. Turn off the heat or smother the flame using a baking soda. If the fire is beyond the pan and small fire already started, use a fire extinguisher, specifically a Class B extinguisher that is meant for combustible liquids such as grease and oil. Do not touch walls or other damaged materials. Should you find the situation beyond your control, secure yourself and call for help immediately. Fire fighters and professional fire restoration specialists can help you put out fire and save your properties from grease fire damage.