Your home should be considered the safest place in your life. It is where you go to eat, sleep, and relax. It is where you make memories and raise your kids. However, there could be conditions in your home that are causing illness with you and your family. Mold and other microbiological substances are responsible for these problems and you may not even know you have it. Water damage and other problems could help mold thrive, leading to Sick Building Syndrome.
There are many contributing factors to Sick Building Syndrome. Problems with your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems could be the primary source of these problems. But moisture and mold are also major factors. Moisture can get trapped in many areas of your house, especially in cavities or cracks. This is common in areas with large amounts of humidity, including your kitchen and bathroom.
Over time, moisture continues to build and build without anything to stop it. With the ideal temperature present in these areas, mold can grow and thrive. Mold creates toxic particles that are not safe for people. The general airflow of your home could be spreading these particles to rooms all over your house. Flaws with your heating and cooling systems make this problem even worse.
The contaminated air circulates and the air quality in your house significantly declines, and symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome present themselves. Water damage and flood damage provide great opportunities for mold to grow, but you must check the most obscure areas to eliminate the threat entirely. Combined with bacteria and other contaminants, you might have a major problem on your hands.
A good first step toward fixing the problem is to have your home inspected. If you have noticed significant water damage, you should definitely do this. But even if you haven't, an inspection could help you find sources of moisture elsewhere. Your home can be inspected and tested for mold and once a problem is established, it must be stopped at the source. You can start the process with some home remedies, including additional sunlight, ventilation, and some household cleaners.
However, if your problem is bad you might consider a mold remediation company. These remediation companies can find mold and moisture problems even in those tiny cracks and cavities. They can also help return your home to a quality living condition once they get at the source and remove the problem. They have experts who can use a variety of techniques to ensure that all of the harmful materials are entirely removed. In addition, the cracks and cavities can be sealed.
The restoration process is not as long and painful as it might seem. The cost is generally moderate, and you will get peace of mind in knowing that the air quality in your home will be significantly boosted. Sick Building Syndrome is a common problem that can impact any home or building. Even if your home is brand new and well constructed, you could face problems with mold and water damage. Consult an expert to inspect your home so that the safety of you and your family remains protected.