What You Ought To Know About Furnaces In Canada

Furnaces are a crucial piece of equipment for keeping homes warm and comfortable during the harsh Canadian winters. As such, it is important for homeowners to understand the basics of furnaces, especially when it comes to installation, maintenance, and energy efficiency.


When it comes to installing a furnace in Canada, it's important to hire a licensed professional to ensure the job is done correctly and safely. Depending on where you live in Canada, different heating codes and regulations may apply, which a professional will be familiar with.

The size of your furnace is also an important consideration. A furnace that is too small may struggle to keep your home warm, while one that is too large can lead to energy waste and unnecessary expenses. It's important to consult with a professional to determine the appropriate size for your home, taking into account the climate, insulation, and square footage.


Regular maintenance of your furnace can prolong its lifespan, increase efficiency, and reduce energy bills. Some basic maintenance tasks that should be performed include changing the air filter every few months, cleaning dust and debris from around the furnace, and scheduling an annual inspection and cleaning by a professional.

During an inspection, a professional will examine the furnace's various components, such as the ductwork, ventilation, and heat exchanger. They will also check for any signs of wear or damage and perform necessary repairs or replacement.

It's important to note that gas furnaces require additional safety inspections to check for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be deadly if left undetected. A carbon monoxide detector should also be installed near the furnace.

Energy Efficiency

Furnaces can consume a significant amount of energy, leading to high energy bills and unnecessary costs. This is why it's important to consider the energy efficiency of your furnace before purchasing or upgrading.

One measure of energy efficiency is the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating, which measures how much fuel is used to heat your home. A furnace with a higher AFUE rating is more efficient and may include features such as a variable speed fan or two-stage heating.

Another important factor to consider is the furnace's fan system. A furnace with a variable speed fan can adjust its speed to match the heating needs of your home, reducing energy waste. Two-stage furnaces also offer energy savings by operating at a low setting for most of the time and only switching to a higher setting when necessary.

An upgrade to a high-efficiency furnace may also be eligible for government rebates and incentives, reducing installation costs and providing long-term savings on energy bills.

Types of Furnaces

There are several types of furnaces available for heating homes in Canada, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.

Gas Furnaces

Gas furnaces are the most common type of furnace in Canada, running on natural gas or propane. They offer quick and efficient heating and are suitable for larger homes with high heating needs. However, they do require regular maintenance, as well as access to a gas line or propane tank.

Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces offer a simpler installation process, as they only require access to an electrical source. However, they can be more expensive to operate, especially in colder climates, as they consume more energy.

Oil Furnaces

Oil furnaces are less common than gas or electric furnaces, but they are an option for homeowners who do not have access to natural gas or electricity. They require regular maintenance and may not be as efficient as other types of furnaces.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps use electricity to move warm air from one location to another, making them a more energy-efficient option than traditional furnaces. They can also be used for both heating and cooling. However, they may not be as effective in extremely cold temperatures.

Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps use the temperature of the earth to heat and cool your home, making them an incredibly efficient option. They do require a significant upfront investment, as well as access to underground water or a geothermal well.


Furnaces are a crucial part of keeping your home warm and comfortable during Canadian winters. It's important to understand the basics of installation, maintenance, and energy efficiency in order to make informed decisions about purchasing and upgrading your furnace.

Consulting with a licensed professional, performing regular maintenance, and considering energy-efficient options can help save on energy bills and ensure the longevity of your furnace. With the right furnace and upkeep, you can enjoy a warm and cozy home all winter long.