A hot, stifling day is nobody's favorite weather. Just walking a couple of blocks can make you exhausted, and it doesn't matter how often you take a shower, you will seemingly always be drenched in sweat, with your clothes sticking to your skin. But far from being merely uncomfortable, there are many hidden dangers of hot, humid days. In this article I'll share of few of them with you.
First of all, humidity dramatically decreases the body's ability to cool itself. That's why humidity seems to increase the heat dramatically. When you sweat, the water is evaporated on your skin, which cools the skin temperature. This is a natural reaction which allows people to live in many different environments. When the air is particularly humid, your sweat can't evaporate nearly as fast, which significantly decreases your bodies ability to cool itself.
Something else that is dangerous about humid weather is that it makes it much more difficult to sleep through the night undisturbed. Sleep is very important, as it gives your body a chance to rebuild damaged cells. It is also necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system. Without proper sleep, your immune system is weakened, and you will not be able to fight off illnesses as easily. Being weaker from lack of sleep also makes it easier to suffer from heat stroke during the day.
One more deadly side effect of excessively humid weather is increased dehydration. Because it's so humid, your body will necessarily produce more sweat to keep you cool. This will use much more water, and unless you dramatically increase the amount of water you drink on a daily basis, you are likely getting dehydrated without knowing about it. This can lead to a higher risk of heat stroke.
Another element to consider regarding humid weather is that it provides an excellent breeding ground for germs, pests, and other pathogens in your home. When you combine the increased amount of germs with your decreased immune system from lack of sleep, and you've got a deadly recipe for disaster on your hands. This is one aspect of humid weather that most people don't consider.
So how do you combat heat and humidity? Stay indoors as often as possible. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, whether you're thirsty or not. If you wait until you are thirsty to take a drink, it's too late, and you are likely already dehydrated. Another good idea is to keep a large bottle of water next to your bed, so that when you wake up, you can take several drinks. This can help you to stay cool, and to get the sleep you need.