Why You Should Use UPVC Cladding in Your House Design

Let's face it. When we build houses, we want them to be strong and sturdy, that's why most houses use brick and mortar or wood and timber as a foundation for their structure. On the other hand, we also want a house that has a beautiful design. For this purpose, an attractive, well-placed shiplap cladding can really improve the exterior profile and features of a house.

When cladding, most people tend to choose wood or timber, now this might seem like an attractive choice to begin with, and believe me it really is. What most people don't realize, though, is that they just bought themselves a whole lot of potential problems. This is the downside of using wood for cladding, as wood begins to wither it starts to cause innumerable dilemmas which require a lot of maintenance. The worst part of all is that rotting wood looks very unsightly and will dampen the overall beauty and appearance of your house.

Enter Shiplap Cladding, a most excellent way to beautify any house and building. In addition to traditional cladding, this method using UPVC cladding material offers a very ideal replacement of the usual wooden or timber cladding. There is a wide range and variety of styles to choose from. Houses and buildings with shiplap cladding can have outer extremities looking like they are made out of wood. For those who want their houses to have a steel-made outward appearance, no problem. For a brick and mortar finish that looks just like cemented walls, that won't be a problem either. For a different look and feel, there are plenty of colors and finishing touches that will suit every preference.

UPVC is an unplasticized material which is manufactured from lead-free calcium organic PVCU compound that offers a good first line of defense against environmental hazards. Using UPVC cladding material, maintenance problems will become a thing of the past as it does not rot unlike wood which has the tendency to decay and become susceptible to insects.

Speaking of protective layers, soffit boards and fascias can also help protect your house from environmental hazards. Technically speaking, it refers to the underside of any architectural construction such as a staircase, archway or ceiling, especially the roofing. These boards are placed in the underside of a roof overhang to reduce damage caused by extreme weather conditions.

The use of these boards ensure the protection of the joists and roof rafters of your house from heat, rainfall and frost, and as such, it is a mandatory part of any basic design structure and very crucial for every house.

Having the usual wooden soffit board means you will have to replace them in time as they are very prone to damage. Most of all, wooden fascias are subject to leaks. In due time the occasional wear and tear caused by the elements will weaken the foundation of any roof or ceiling. To save yourself the hassle of having to replace these wooden boards time and again, make sure to use UPVC material.

Often marketed as no more maintenance required, a simple wet cloth applied on its surface and it looks good as new. These unplasticized fascias and soffits boards seem to be the answer to the constant need of having to repaint the awkwardly positioned architectural necessity, which in reality very rarely get painted, due to people's fear of heights, or just lack of looking up.

These boards also come in a wide range of colors to select from and are available in the traditional tongue-and-groove style. Just like shiplap cladding, soffit boards made of UPVC material can handle extreme weather punishment. The hollow boards are lightweight yet sturdy and best of all they are designed for low maintenance and easy installation. Because these boards are hollow, they can be handled by amateurs with the ease and comfort just like a professional would install them.

When it comes to reliable housing materials that are fashionable and aesthetic, as they are sturdy and durable, make sure to use products that are made of UPVC. For shiplap cladding and soffit board needs, there is none more suitable material than, again, UPVC. Not only will UPVC cladding ensure the protection of your house, but it is also an inexpensive alternative for wooden and brick outer linings that are too costly in the long run.