Cartoons, Comedians and Congressman

I have recently been re-examining the seemingly absurd notion of having comedians and cartoon characters filling in for the roles of our current politicians and statesman. After careful consideration- the notion may not be so absurd at all.

As a former student of public administration at Ohio State University in the mid 1980s, I had offered the notion to one of my professors. She looked at me quite condescendingly and suggested that perhaps I should spend less time in front of the tube on Saturday mornings and more time studying the rudiments of statesmanship. I took it personally and offered her an exploding cigar.

Others have clandestinely intimated to me that there just might be true merit to the idea.

Our corridors of power would not be filled with the current group of irksome and often mediocre politicos pursuing self-serving agendas. Instead, a diverse assemblage of wise-cracking rabbits, sponges wearing square pants, and fearless mice sporting capes would successfully be passing legislation.

As an example, what better group to consider the issues of commercial depletion of our national park lands than the very critters who inhabit them? Daffy Duck