Attention Shoppers, We Have A Small, Lost, Three Year-Old Boy With Red Hair........

Have you ever been shopping in a busy mall, stopped to look at something only to discover that in the brief time it took to do so, your child has wandered away from you? If in reading this question you are able to answer no, you undoubtedly know someone who has be en in this situation.

Each minute, somewhere in the country, a parent is separated from their child.

These separations sometimes last only a few seconds; in other instances they last much longer, causing the store to go into a lock-down situation. The truth of the matter is, wherever there are large crowds; parades, country fairs, busy city streets etc., young children will inevitably become separated from their parents.

I speak with hundreds of parents a week, though the situations and circumstances may vary slightly, I have heard the same scenario repeated over and over again. The end result is always the same. Panic in its purest form, 100% pure unadulterated panic.

In situations when the child is not located within a few moments, the parent will be asked by either a store employee, security staff or even a police officer to provide an accurate description of the lost child, as well as what the child was wearing at the time.

In a similar situation, when in a state of panic, would you be able to provide an accurate description of your child?
