Here's How To Build a Dollhouse For Your Daughter

Here's How To Build a Dollhouse For Your Daughter

 by: Ruiters Haiser

Here's how to build a dollhouse for your daughter even if you are not handy with wood

You can really show your daughter that you love her by making her something with your own hands.

Not everybody has a shop full of woodworking tools and carpentry skills, so what are you supposed to do?

A company in Vermont has created a line of quickbuilding dollhouses just for someone like you who wants to make something special for his little girl, but doesn't have the time.

The name of this little woodworking wonder is the quickbuild dollhouse.

The quickbuild dollhouse by Real Good Toys is convenient and affordable to build. Every part of the dollhouse is made from sturdy cabinet grade materials so it will hold up to abuse and still look great in your daughter's room.

The quality wood used in the construction of these quickbuild dollhouses virtually guarantees that your little girl will give it to her little girl and so on. You won't have to find 8 hours per day for several weekends to assemble it either. In fact, a person with average skills and a little patience can assemble these dollhouses in as little as an hour with only a screwdriver and some wood glue.

Don't worry that you can't read blueprints. These dollhouses come with simple to understand step by step instructions.

What's even better is that you don't even have to paint them, the factory has done all the finishing for you including hanging the little wallpaper, installing the windows and doors complete with decorative moulding. You are going to be a hero to your little girl!

There are 6 different styles to choose from and every one of them is made in the USA by a company based in Vermont.

A good site to check out pricing and availability is

You can make your little girl's eyes sparkle and you don't have to sacrifice every weekend for months to do it.