Kids and College - Solutions For Extra Rooms

Your child has finally grown up and left the childhood home, swapping out your house for a college dorm. He or she will be gone for the majority of the year, and you as a parent are suddenly stuck with the rather open question of just what to do with the newly vacated room.

First Thing First

What you do with your child's room depends largely on how many things your child took with them to college, how much they left behind, and what you intend to do with the room in the future. This means that the first step is going to consist of packing up the room and finding a storage space, like a self storage unit, to deposit whatever remains. As noted before, what you plan to do with the room, and what your child will be taking with them after college, will dictate what you do with the larger pieces of furniture. In some instances you can put them in storage, in others, you'll need to leave them be.

Another Kid's Room

If you happen to have a large family, specifically one in which two kids are sharing a room, this decision is often the easiest to make. After all, you've got the room, and it's in one state or another of being furnished, it is only fair that each child gets their own room. And if you doubt that, the kids sharing a room will be more than willing to reassure you.

The Guest Room

A similar, and common solution, is a guest room. This is a solution typically best for those who have frequent guests or those who wish to appear to have frequent guests.