Martial Arts For Struggling Children

The parents of children who are failing in school often guilt themselves about what they may have done wrong, and will agonize about what they can possibly do better. There are many factors that play a part in determining whether or not a child will be a poor student - while parenting is surely one of them, good parents frequently end up with children who, despite all of their trying, still seem to have little to no interest in succeeding at school.

One of the best ways to help a your child improve in school, is to help them to raise their self-esteem, and improve their discipline skills. Happy, self-assured, and disciplined children rarely do poorly at schoolwork. If you would like to improve your child' self-esteem, consider enrolling them in the martial arts. Any of the many martial arts disciplines will suffice - whether you choose judo, karate, or tae kwan do for your child, you are sure to see a rise in their overall happiness and self-esteem. Here are some things to remember when enrolling your poor student in the martial arts.

- Don't Be Afraid to Push - If your child has little to no interest in their schoolwork, enrolling them in an extracurricular activity like martial arts may be a bit of a power struggle. Don't be afraid to push them a bit, and remind them that at the end of the day you are still the parent. Kids who show disinterest in school may initially show disinterest in their martial arts education as well. However, with a little time and plenty of support, they will soon open up to their new activity.

- Offer Incentives - Martial arts is a great activity for kids because it offers incentives in the form of different ranks; for example, a child who continues to excel and practice their karate skills will eventually advance up to the level of a black-belt. You can offer incentives at home as well - for example, a week of success in the dojo results in an extra hour of TV at home.

Parents of kids with failing grades may often feel depressed, and may lack hope that their child will turn it around. Enrolling them in martial arts will usually give them that little extra boost of self-esteem they need in order to get their schoolwork back on track. Furthermore, martial arts often improve kids' overall demeanors, making them far more pleasant around the house.

For more information about martial arts programs for teenagers, please visit