School Bullying Stopped with the Cops

Some of our hardcore bullies have Probation Officers. Our school administrators and counselors use these P.O.s to help us help the bullies.

We get in touch with the Department of Juvenile Justice and communicate with them about the bully's behavior.

With several of the bullies, we would send the P.O. the daily checklist, so he/she would know how the bully was behaving every day.

Also, we send any disciplinary referrals to D.J.J.

In some states, a school disciplinary referral will cause the bully to be sent to a detention center for a short period of time.

The most important idea is that the bully knows you are going to have open communication with the legal system that is monitoring him/her. For us, that one fact keeps some bullies on their best behavior.

And that is all we want, isn