Throwing a Dora the Explorer Party

Dora the Explorer has proven to be a phenomenon of mass proportion among young children. As with most things popular with children, Dora makes a great theme for a birthday party. Of course, planning and throwing a party is no small task, and a Dora the Explorer party is certainly no exception to that rule. However, the process can be made quite a bit easier (not to mention a good deal cheaper) with a bit of planning and creativity. The end result will be a Dora the Explorer party that your child and all of their young friends will remember for years to come.

The first aspect of planning a Dora the Explorer party, as is the case with pretty much any party that relies on a theme, is to work out how you are going to represent your theme. In the case of Dora, this can be accomplished fairly easily. You should be able to find paper plates, cups, and napkins that are Dora themed at any party store, or even the paper products isles of some grocery stores. This level of availability is one of the large advantages of working with a theme that is so popular with such a large group of children. Along with the supplies for the food, you may also be able to find other Dora themed items, such as pi