California Attorney Discusses What You Can Do About Elder Abuse by a Private Caregiver

If you have had to make the difficult choice of what to do about an elderly family member that is no longer able to take care of themselves without help, then you know how much thought goes into choosing a solution. Many factors go into the ultimate decision including the physical and mental health of your loved one, how much you can depend on additional family members, proximity to long term care facilities and the cost of different care options. For those that can afford a private caregiver, that option frequently sounds like the best choice. After all, a private caregiver allows your loved one to remain in their own home, with familiar surroundings and close to family and friends. If your loved one is still able to do many of the things they have always done for themselves, but is in need of regular medical monitoring or minimal supervision, a private caregiver can be an excellent option. Most private caregivers are well-trained, caring and compassionate people that have dedicated themselves to take care of our senior citizens. Unfortunately, there are a few that take the opportunity to prey on the patients in their charge.

Elder abuse happens every minute of every day across the United States. Our elderly loved ones are the silent victims of our society. A lawyer