Fundamental Rights Denied Fathers Who Owe Child Extortion Payments

Extortion faithfully reflects what court-ordered child support payments really mean, how they're implemented and how they're enforced. Children are used as pawns by the state, the courts, lawyers, and many single mothers to extort money from fit and willing fathers who firstly are denied their children and then most other fundamental rights. Here's the scoop.

Denial of parental rights:

Under divorce or paternity suits, family courts overwhelmingly deny 'the father' of the child his constitutional right to parent his child. Parenting means caring for, living with, developing companionship with, directing choices for, controlling the behavior of, and directly supporting his children.

Family courts ignore constitutional requirements to prove a father is unfit before denying such a fundamental right. And of course, the court doesn't care about a father's equal right to his children based on equal rights law. It simply asserts that it has authority to control you and deprive you of your child since 'it' knows better about what's best for your children.

Incidentally, it doesn't and has no right to such authority over fit parents either. The damage to children that court-instigated fatherlessness produces is extensive. That's another story.

But somehow the mother retains all her parental rights as she's typically assigned sole physical custody of the child and often sole legal custody, too. Shared or joint legal custody with the father implies that they both parents can together decide on issues of education, religion, medical, and extra curricular for the child. But operationally if he disagrees with her, his opinion is ignored; he may even be denied legal custody for not agreeing. Shared legal custody for the father is a sham to make him think he has some rights - which operationally he doesn't.

Because the fit father is unconstitutionally denied his right to parent - including directly supporting his child - the mother will receive a court-awarded entitlement of about a third or more of the father's gross weekly income for whatever she wants to use it for. This entitlement is euphemistically called child support. But no law states that it must be used for your child.

The court relegates the father to a visitor status - called 'visitation' - where he can see his children perhaps every other weekend. Such a circumstance fosters a 'distant' relationship and with mother-alienating instigations, it produces the eventual no contact that a quarter or more of separated fathers have with their children.

Denied much of his income for extortion payments:

So with his children unjustly denied to him by the court denying his parental rights, the father is forced to make payments that under the circumstance can only be characterized as extortion payments. And, if he can't pay these often exorbitant orders