Getting Proof Of Porn Addiction For Child Custody Cases
Do you have a husband or soon to be ex husband that has an Internet porn addiction? If you are in custody litigation or are soon to be in custody litigation then you need to have good solid evidence of this porn addiction. If you don't have the proof then it's just your word against him and making this kind of serious accusation without proof can make you look bad and be used against you in a custody evaluation.
Divorce and custody hearings are very serious. This could be the most important event of your life and the outcome will affect your children for the rest of their lives. A child that is exposed to pornography and extreme sexual fetishes can be scarred for life.
One way to get this kind of evidence is a forensic examination of the hard drive of the family computer. You would have to turn your computer hard drive over to a qualified professional for a forensic examination
A Forensic Examination Can Recover:
- Deleted Emails
- Deleted Images
- Deleted Files
- Chat Logs (Yahoo, MSN, AOL)
- Deleted Documents - Browser History
This information can be recover evidence of a porn addiction and reduce it to a report that can be used in court. But what if you don't have access to the computer hard drive?
There is an service called a Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation. With this type of investigation you can take your husbands email address and trace it back to a number of inappropriate web site services. While this type of investigation was originally invented to catch a spouse cheating online the same service can be used to recover evidence of an Internet porn addiction or an obsession with extreme sexual fetishes.
Investigation Includes:
- Dating Web Sites
- Swinger Sites
- Fetish Sites
- Social Networks
- Escort Service Sites
- Porn Sites
- Cam Sites
With this type of investigation you don't need the hard drive, only the subjects email address. But again the information returned can be reduced to a report you can use in court to support your allegations of a porn addiction so you can win full custody of the children. This investigation can be expanded where the private investigators will actually contact the subject of the investigation using a pretext to gather even more incriminating evidence. If you are worried about a porn addiction or an extreme sexual fetish then you need to arm yourself with evidence and proof you can use in a court of law.