How Injury Solicitors Can Help with Work Accident Claims

One of the most common hazards in the modern-day workplace is the computer, a source of an increasing number of work accident claims.

Repetitive strain injury ('RSI') is a common work related injury, however is a difficult claim to make. Medical opinions have clashed over RSI, both in the diagnosis and what the related symptoms are.

The main hurdle is proving how the RSI happened. Obviously a very large percentage of people nowadays have computer access at home making it more difficult to isolate the injury to computer use at work.

The danger therefore for the employee is two-fold: you could rule out an injury claim because you are still in denial over the condition yourself or because you are not aware of all the facts.

RSI takes different forms, with the most common injuries being known as tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Vibration White Finger. Common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include tingling, loss of feeling in fingers, pain in the hand and a loss of grip strength. Pain can spread up the arm as far as the shoulder. Employee surveys have shown that as many as 66% of office workers will suffer from RSI at some point, but more than likely they will not know that they can claim compensation.

Recent increases in RSI cases have coincided with an increase in working on the move. Regular travellers can scarcely fail to have noted that on virtually every train or bus, there is someone hard at work on their laptop, PDA or Blackberry. They may not realise that the risk of RSI is increased by prolonged use and made still more likely when using smaller and closer-situated buttons.

Experienced injury solicitors are willing and able to help you with work accident claims for personal injury compensation. Many do offer conditional fee arrangements (or no win no fee as they are better know) and will tell you that if you have had an injury which was not your fault, in the last 3 years, you can claim damages for the injury and any loss of earnings caused by it.

Experienced solicitors will know that it is not the extent of the symptoms that is the only important factor. It is irrelevant how serious your injury is, what matters is that you did not cause it and therefore you should be able to claim damages.