How IP Lawyers Can Help You Protect Your Domain Name

Anyone running a serious business nowadays is almost certainly going to have a website. That means having a domain name. Where a company is a well known, major brand or if you anticipate conducting a large amount of business over the Internet, then a domain name should be legally registered and given the same respect as a trademark. In other words, you are talking about your domain name being considered as Intellectual Property (often referred to as IP).

This makes it an integral part of your business and it is wise not to underestimate its importance and the role it plays. Your IP lawyer will be able to explain the legal rights of a domain name, however it is easy to think about it the same way as you would a trademark. Usually, a trademark will distinguish you from someone else and act as an identification of your goods or service. Well, in a similar way, a domain name takes on this role on the Internet. You could, therefore, think about registering your trademark as a domain name and get your IP Lawyers to talk to you about Intellectual Property Rights.

The internet does leave many websites vulnerable to fraud, theft and abuse. This is where 'cybersquatting' comes in. Your IP Lawyers could implement a domain name watching service to protect you against domain name disputes, representing you and taking any action against such 'squatters'.

What would you do if someone stole your domain name and started using it? IP Lawyers can help you to recover the name as Intellectual Property belonging to your business property portfolio. They will understand your Intellectual Property rights and how to best exercise them.

You may not necessarily need to go to Court to settle a dispute, should you find yourself involved in a 'cybersquatting' scenario. An experienced IP lawyer will actually try to avoid this expensive process by guiding the case through an arbitration process. They are likely to have access to specialised resources such as investigative tools to assist with evidence and fact finding. Specialist IP Lawyers are highly trained and will begin recovery proceedings by acting for you in the least painful, most effective way possible. They will have experience of what to avoid, areas to be wary about and what steps will be necessary and in what order to achieve a successful outcome. Understand the risks and consult IP Lawyers to protect you in business.