In Dispute with Your Employer? Get a Compromise Agreement

Are you unhappy in your job? Is it too stressful and you cannot cope with the amount of work? Or is your employer quite unreasonable and you just don't fit in at work? Maybe you're in the middle of a dispute with your manager or fellow colleagues.

Ok, numerous different reasons can come up which will lead you to believe that it is time to move on. So you decide to leave and hand in your notice. You thought it would be a simple matter. After all, the boss has been a bit unfair in his or her demands; surely they will allow some leeway on the contract rules?

The boss might feel differently. You talk to friends and family - often the worst thing to do! Everyone goads you on: 'that's so unfair!' 'He can't do that, it's not legal!' and, worst of all, 'Go to Court, go on, take it further!'

What happens now? The dispute rumbles on...and on. Then it gets more stressful than the job was! What on earth are you going to do? You're disgruntled, unhappy and beginning to feel the issue affecting you. Ask yourself, why should you back down? Is there someone that can share your issues with you? Do you really have to go plodding through the tiring, expensive, oh, so stressful Court route?

No, this is not something which you have to do. Remember the employer will be under stress too, wanting to just get back on with work again. This is a major positive of an employment compromise agreement; both parties can resolve the issues affecting them. An agreement can be reached outside Court and usually at no cost to you, as the employee.

This type of arrangement, which is legally binding can come into force either before or after you leave your job.

On the up side it will allow for you to request a payment from your employer for the arrangement. In turn, you then agree not to pursue further any claim or disgruntlement you may be harbouring to a tribunal.

You must have the employment compromise agreement explained by an independent solicitor before the agreement becomes binding. If you retain a specialised compromise agreement solicitor they will make sure that the agreement that you sign considers all the right points. The solicitor giving you the advice must also sign the agreement and certify that the appropriate advice has been given.

If you now think that a compromise agreement is the right way to go for you, then get in touch with a specialised compromise agreement solicitor immediately - you'll be grateful you did.