Isn't It About Time You Had a Valid Will?

It's a scary thought, but almost two thirds of the population are thought not to have made a Will. This could be because they view it as an unpleasant chore that forces them to face their own mortality, or because they believe that the law will make sure that their family inherits their assets.

Taking time to make a Will means that you can control how your assets will be distributed and make sure that the people you wish to take care of receive adequate provision.

Most people do not realise that if you are married and you die without a Will, your spouse might not end up inheriting your entire estate. What would be worse is that your loved ones start to quarrel over the distribution of your estate - by making a claim on inheritance.

The law of Intestacy (dying without a Will) dictates what should happen to your estate. Where you die leaving a spouse but no children, your spouse will only inherit the first