by: Wensley McKenney
Lawsuit Funding is essential to victims of personal injury who are without sufficient income and are awaiting a legal settlement. All too often a person is injured by the wrongful acts of another but must wait years to receive his or her fair compensation.
Finally there are companies like Global Financial ( that offer plaintiffs cash advances against their pending legal claims. They do not do credit checks or income varifications, they simply evaluate the legal claim and then advance a portion of the potential award and wait for payment from the proceeds of the settlement or judgment. It is a very risky business, which is why banks are not involved and specialty finance companies like Global Financial take the risk.
Lawsuit Funding is like "Lawsuit Insurance". A plaintiff can assure or guarantee a financial recovery from his or her legal claim by taking a cash advance from Global Financial (866-709-1100). If the case is lost then the plaintiff is not obligated to repay any of the money advanced thus "insuring" a financial recovery from the legal claim regardless of the outcome.
There is no doubt that Lawsuit Funding will become a viable force in leveling the playing field amongst plaintiffs and deep pocketed defendants.