Passanger Severely Injured When Driver Takes Wrong Turn At Unmarked Intersection

When we go into an intersection as a driver or even as a passenger we expect that we will be safe, provided that any controls such as traffic lights, one-way signs, and stop signs, are obeyed by those entering the intersection. Drivers depend on there being some sort of signal , for example, a one-way sign or a no left turn sign, at intersections that allow only one-way traffic from left to right. When an intersection does not have any signs or controls revealing that exclusively one-way traffic is permitted this leaves the driver a false impression of security.

Take into account for instance what caused a reported vehicle accident claim in which 2 vehicles crashed while one was going straight and the other was taking a left turn. The intersection was positioned in the vicinity of a neighborhood parish which was getting building work done in the area. The building company had taken down