Physician's Failure To Follow Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines And Malpractice Cases

The second largest number of cancer fatalities is from colorectal cancer.. Every year, roughly 48,000 men and women will die as a result of colorectal cancer. Many of these fatalities would be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment through routine colorectal cancer screening in advance of when symtoms arise.

When the cancer is found while it is still a small polyp while undergoing a routine screening test, such as a colonoscopy, the polyp may be able to be taken out in the course of the colonoscopy. At this point, there is no need for the surgical removal of any segment of the colon. When the polyp grows into a tumor and reaches Stage 1 or Stage 2, the tumor and a portion of the colon on both sides of the tumor is surgical taken out. The relative 5-year survival rate is very high for the early stages.

By the point the cancer reaches Stage III, a colon resection is no longer sufficient. The patient will, in addition, need to have chemotherapy. At this stage the chances that the individual will outlive the cancer by at least five years falls considerable, depending on such factors as the number of lymph nodes that show up positive for cancer. And by the time the colorectal cancer reaches Stage 4, the person's chance of surviving the cancer for greater than five years following diagnosis falls to below ten percent

The statistics are clear. The time frame wherein the cancer is detected and treated results in a significant difference. If diagnosed and treated early, the individual has an excellent chance of surviving the cancer. As detection and treatment is delayed, the probability starts dropping significantly once the cancer reaches the lymph nodes. Plus the probability is reduced greatly when the cancer reaches Stage IV.

However, too frequently physicians fail to suggest standard cancer testing to their patients. When the cancer is eventually detected - frequently due to the fact that the tumor has grown so large that it is causing blockage, because the patient is anemic and it is getting progressively worse, or because the patient starts to detect other symptoms - the colorectal cancer is a Stage 3 or even a Stage 4. The person now confronts a very different outlook than if the cancer had been found early by standard screening tests.

Because the doctor failed to advise that the individual undergo routine screening test, the cancer is now much more advanced and the person faces a much lower chance of outliving the cancer. A doctor might be liable for malpractice if he or she does not recommend cancer screening to a patient who later is found to have advanced colorectal cancer.

You should consult with an attorney at once if you feel there was a delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer as a consequence of a physician's not suggesting routine colorectal cancer screening. This article is for general educational uses only and should not be considered legal (or medical) advice. For any health issues your should contact a physician. Should you believe you may have a medical malpractice case contact a lawyer without delay. A competent lawyer experienced in handling cancer lawsuits can assist determine if you have a claim for a delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer as a result of a failure on the part of a physician to recommend colorectal cancer screening. The law limits the amount of time you have to pursue a case so call a lawyer immediately.