Protecting Your Invention With The Help of Specialist IP Lawyers

Redundancy is an unfortunate side effect of the recession. For many people this has meant that they have been forced to take a completely new direction in their career. This does not always have to be a negative thing.

Have you recently developed a new product or process, it could be electrical or for IT? Perhaps biotechnology, chemistry or pharmaceuticals is your new pathway that intrigues you after taking up a new course or academic degree. Have you stumbled across something remarkable that needs pursuing to gain recognised accreditation? Could it be classified as Intellectual Property (also known as IP) ? If so, doesn't this require some form of for intellectual property advice and legal protection from specialist IP Lawyers?

Well, if this sounds like you and you have become an inventor, think carefully about protection of your product. Have you ensured that it is kept secret? And even if you do keep it secret, what happens if it gets stolen? Without giving any thought to proper protection of your Intellectual Property, your dream invention that could take the world, if not, the nation, by storm could end up belonging to someone else.

It is easy to get carried away when inventing. This natural excitement can lead to telling casual friends, acquaintances, colleagues and shopkeepers what you are doing with your redundant time. Success in on the cards and your thoughts get out of control. Consulting Intellectual Property Lawyers is a million miles away from your thoughts. Surely no-one else would have the time, understanding and energy to pursue this?

Possibly not, but then they don't have to if you hand it to them on a plate. If your invention is copied then they can make easy money from you. How? Well, how about from a stolen PC or break in? If you didn't seek the advice of IP Lawyers about a taking out a patent for legal protection of your product, then there's really not much to stop anyone from claiming the invention as their own.

Missing this vital area of Law is common. You may think the idea you are busy working on is really not very big and hardly worth the term 'Intellectual Property'. Well, IP lawyers represent clients at all levels within the European Patent Office, including oppositions. It is preferable to protect yourself rather than suffer the loss.