Save Yourself From A DUI Penalty

Driving under the influence (DUI) is an offense or grave misconduct in any state of America like it is here in Florida. It is considered as a traffic crime or a felony in some circumstances. Being charged or accused for a DUI may mean a criminal record, longer hours of community services, huge costs of fines, suspension or restriction of license, impoundments or immobilization of vehicle, increased insurance rates and even months or years in jail. Those DUI penalty can be given to any person whenever his or her blood and urine tests have cited a significant amount or level of alcohol.

A suspected offender of DUI should first undergo some Field Sobriety Tests to prove whether he or she should be charge for any traffic crime. Usually such test include a breath, blood and urine tests. These three initial examinations determined the BAC or Blood Alcohol Content of a person. However, refusal to undergo those tests may result to license confiscation of one year.

The traffic law in Florida clearly specify that any person caught driving a vehicle with 0.20% Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is sanctioned to a DUI offense and DUI penalty. This is because at 0.20% BAC a driver is already incapable of doing two things: steering and braking a car. At this rate, the alcohol has already reached the person's blood vessels and has been carried to his or her brain. Thus, it can affect the nerves as well as the human reflexes to normally function, which then can cause him or her not to drive normally.

Studies shows that alcohol-related vehicular accidents causes a person's life every 32 minutes. In the same manner, alcohol-related incidents can cause injury to any individual in just a span of 2 minutes. Statistics have recorded that DUI offenders were able to kill lives of more than a million innocent lives last year following a DUI accident. And, among the 50 states of America, Florida turned out to have the most number of DUI arrests. Because of this, more officials from this state have been on their best to formulate ways to widen and make harsh consequences for existing DUI penalties.