Social Security Disability Secrets

Social Security Disability Secrets: How to Get Approved Faster and Maximize Your Benefits

If you've ever applied for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, you know how frustrating it can be to wait for approval and get the benefits you deserve. The Social Security Administration (SSA) may reject your application for various reasons, or it may take months or even years to receive a decision.

According to the SSA's latest data, over 1 million people applied for SSD benefits in 2020, but only about 317,000 were approved at the initial level (about 31%) and 152,000 at the reconsideration level (about 15%) for an overall approval rate of about 46%. The rest either appealed to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) level or gave up.

The good news is that there are some SSD secrets that can help you improve your chances of getting approved faster and maximizing your benefits. These secrets include:

Secret #1: Understand the SSD Criteria

The first and most important secret to winning an SSD claim is to know the SSD criteria and what the SSA is looking for when it evaluates your claim. The SSA follows a five-step sequential process to determine whether you're disabled, as defined by federal law.

The five steps are:

1. Are you engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA)?
2. Do you have a severe medical impairment?
3. Does your impairment meet or equal a listing?
4. Can you perform any past relevant work?
5. Can you do any other work in the national economy?

By understanding these steps, you can better prepare your application and provide the necessary medical and other evidence to support your claim.

Secret #2: Get the Right Medical Documentation

One of the main reasons why SSD claims get denied is the lack of sufficient medical documentation to prove the severity of the claimant's impairment. To win an SSD claim, you must have objective medical evidence that supports your condition, such as test results, imaging scans, doctor's notes, and treatment records.

You should also make sure that your medical records reflect all the symptoms you're experiencing, not just the ones you're comfortable sharing. Be honest and upfront with your doctor about everything that's going on, such as your pain, fatigue, memory loss, mood changes, and any side effects from medication.

Secret #3: Hire an SSD Attorney

While you're not required to hire an SSD attorney, it's highly recommended, especially if you're appealing your claim to the ALJ level. An SSD attorney can help you navigate the complex SSD process, file a complete and accurate application, gather and submit the necessary evidence, prepare you for the hearing, and argue your case before the judge.

An SSD attorney can also help you understand your legal rights, negotiate with the SSA, and maximize your benefits, such as back pay, retroactive benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid. In most cases, an SSD attorney works on a contingency fee basis, meaning that they only get paid if you win your case.

Secret #4: Be Persistent and Patient

Another SSD secret is persistence and patience. Despite your best efforts, the SSD process can still take a long time, and you may face multiple denials and appeals before finally getting approved. Therefore, you must stay committed to your case, follow up with the SSA regularly, and appeal any unfavorable decision within the deadline.

You should also be willing to provide additional information and evidence as requested by the SSA or your attorney, and attend any scheduled medical exams or hearings. Remember that SSD benefits can make a big difference in your financial and personal life, so it's worth fighting for them.

Secret #5: Use Social Media Wisely

In today's digital age, social media can be a double-edged sword when it comes to SSD claims. On the one hand, social media can provide valuable evidence of your disability, such as pictures or status updates that show you're in pain or unable to perform certain activities. On the other hand, social media can also harm your claim if you post content that contradicts your disability or suggests that you're not as impaired as you claim.

Therefore, you should use social media wisely and avoid posting anything that could be interpreted as inconsistent with your disability or that could harm your credibility. You should also be cautious about sharing any personal information with strangers or applying for disability benefits through third-party websites or companies.

In conclusion, winning an SSD claim is not easy, but it's possible if you know the secrets of the process. By understanding the SSD criteria, getting the right medical documentation, hiring an SSD attorney, being persistent and patient, and using social media wisely, you can improve your chances of getting approved faster and maximizing your benefits. So, don't give up, and keep fighting for your rights.