The FDCPA Was Created To Protect Debtors Like You

We have all been in debt at one time or another in our lives and have the best intentions when it comes to paying off these debts. Usually though, we don't foresee the future and the emergencies that arise. Most of us live paycheck to paycheck and are unable to put money back for the unexpected things in life, making it harder to fulfill our promises to pay for the things that had already been purchased. When we miss one payment, it soon turns into two payments and so on.

Once we get behind, it's almost impossible to get caught up on the missed payments since the next ones are due also. Soon, the harassment starts when we answer the first phone call from a debt collector wanting to know when you can pay the payment that you owe them. Then, it turns into several a day. Many collectors will call repeatedly without ever leaving you a message, or telling you who they are when they actually leave a number for you to call back.

Some will contact other people in the phone book with the same last name, hoping to find one of your relatives to speak to. When nothing else helps them, they will even contact your worksite and threaten to garnish your checks. Debt collection harassment can be very intimidating and stressful. Knowing your rights as a consumer can help you to stop debt harassment when dealing with the illegal measures that they use to try to bully you into paying them. What you learn about FDCPA can help you fight back and gain your self-worth once again.

The FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) is an added statute to the Consumer Protection Act. It was added in 1978 to stop abusive behavior from bill collectors by promoting fair debt collections. It provides a way for debtors to dispute and obtain authenticity and accuracy of debt information. The Act ensures that guidelines are followed by debt collectors when trying to collect on bad debts. It also defines your rights as a consumer when you are contacted by these collectors. This Act was added because there was evidence of abuse, deception, and unfair debt collection practices by debt collectors.

This caused many people to file bankruptcies, have marital problems, lose their jobs, and have their privacy invaded. Before 1978, the existing laws were inadequate for protection against these acts. After the FDCPA was passed, it became harder for collectors to obtain their money through harassment since there were more penalties for violating this Act. Sometimes, The FDCPA can also be used with the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) to ensure that the consumer is protected.

Once you know your rights, it will be easier for you to talk to bill collectors. Not all collectors are rude and aggressive, some are actually pretty nice and will help you to set up payment plans. However, if you are in a situation that is out of control and you know that they are using illegal tactics, you should contact a fair debt lawyer to help you through these difficulties.