The Ugly Face Of Elderly Abuse In Modern Society

No one likes to think that there are actually people in our society that would stoop as low as to abuse the elderly. But then again, no one would like to think people abuse children either, or the disabled, but unfortunately, there are a lot of things about modern society that defy rationalization. So instead of wishing for a better world, sometimes we just have to take reality as it is and be aware of the dangers. And elderly abuse is too much of a reality to ignore, especially if you have a loved one being cared for by someone other than yourself or in a nursing home.

There are plenty of different forms of elderly abuse that occur, both in nursing homes and by in-home caregivers. One of the most common of these is simple negligence. And while this may not be as shocking as some the more intentional forms of mistreatment, it can still lead to a great deal of suffering for somebody who is just trying to live out the last of their life and may not be in control of all their functions.

Sometimes negligence may come in the form of rough or harsh treatment. After all, even caregivers and hospital workers are subject to be rational human tendencies that often play come in to play in these situations. Laziness, negligent thinking, or over active emotions can lead to rough treatment of patients, mishandling, or emotional abuse that may not be 100% intentional. Negligence can have dire effects on the patient, whether carried out with ill intent or not and should be taken very seriously.

But things get even more shocking when you start to look at the more intentional forms of abuse. One of these that is particularly common is financial abuse. A lot of dishonest people see elderly people as easy victims. Once somebody gets their hands it to their bank account, it is rather easy to start channeling that money somewhere else or to use at by stuff for themselves, and if the victim is not in full control of all their mental functions, it may be a simple case of tricking them.

For this reason, it is important that more than one person has access to at least reviewing what is going on with financial accounts. Even better, sometimes financial accounts of the elderly are best left in the control of a trusted lawyer. But as mentioned before, it is important that not just one person controls the account. Transparency is key.

Unfortunately, it gets even worse. Some sick people in the world seem to think it's okay or even draw pleasure from physically abusing elderly people in their care. They may do this out of anger, or they may do it from some psychological problems of their own. In some cases, this may even include sexual abuse.

You must always monitor the emotional and physical well-being of an elderly loved one in someone else's care. Keep an eye out for strange emotional dynamics between them and their caregivers, unexplained or common bruises, or anything else that may seem out of place.

When we turn to a nursing home to give someone we love the care that they need, we're expecting a nurturing environment where they can live out the rest of their days in peace and satisfaction. But the reality of what sometimes happens can make their last days the opposite of what we dreamed. If at any point you are suspicious that any of the above abuses may be being carried out against an elderly person that you know, notify the authorities, a lawyer, and if necessary, remove them from the situation.