When You Need To Hire A DUI Lawyer

DUI cases or the impaired driving cases have been increasing from the past few years. DUI (Driving under the influence) of alcohol or drugs is considered to be a serious offense as it is the greatest cause of criminal injury and death. The drugs that are taken into account include tranquilizers, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine and marijuana. When the driver has a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or higher then in that case that person is guilty of the offense. Drivers who drink and drive not only put their life in danger but also of the people around them. They think that after drinking they can control their driving without caring about the consequences like they might get caught by the police or they might get involved in an accident. They also have to face severe legal consequences such as their license may be suspended or they might be placed in jail and fined substantial fees. Different countries have different drunk driving penalties. Mixing drugs with alcohol also has some of the common effects such as impaired eyesight which makes the driver unaware what