Your Compromise Agreement and Getting a New Job

Imagine the situation: your industry is small, and you are worried that your boss might spread bad rumours about you and make it hard for you to find another job. You're also fairly certain that they won't write you a reference

Prospects are looking pretty bleak. You begin to wonder if it was your fault that things went so wrong. Perhaps you deserve the bad name you've got. Your self esteem starts to sink...confidence wanes.

The issue is that your employer isn't legally required to give a reference. So if they don't want to, they aren't going to write one. A compromise agreement may be the answer you're looking for. A condition can be included into the agreement which stipulates that the employer must provide a reference which matches a pre-drafted letter known as a protected reference. Failure to comply with this would mean that your employer is in breach of the compromise agreement and would be liable.

Your employer is allowed to refuse to include the reference in the agreement. However the good thing about the agreement is that it works for both parties, providing a win, win situation for all involved. You can move on with your life, feeling calmer, and find a new job; your employer can get back to work without having to worry about more legal action.

Asking your Solicitor to negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement on your behalf is most likely the best way to obtain what you want out of the agreement.

As well as this, it is possible to include a clause within the compromise agreement which prohibits the employer from saying anything derogatory about you, the employee. This applies particularly to employment that has not ended on good terms. It gives you the freedom and confidence to accept any new job offer in the knowledge that the terms of the compromise agreement will protect you from any negative comments from your former boss. Isn't that better than a constant niggling worry every time a job application might be turned down wondering if...

So ask a specialist Compromise Agreement Solicitor to advise you and you can stop worrying about that you might have a bad reputation. Don't forget, the law exists to protect both parties. Your former employer could also have been at fault. Don't worry about the fee either - it probably won't cost you anything as it is usual practice that your employer will pay your Compromise Agreement Solicitor reasonable legal fees.