10 Easy Ways to Get More Targeted Traffic

This article will show you 10 easy ways to get more targeted
traffic to your website. Use as many of these techniques as
possible to improve your website traffic. And be sure to
track all of your different traffic campaigns so you’ll know
which ones are working the best. Then you can concentrate
most of your efforts on the ones that make you the most
money. So let’s get started.

1) ‘Pay Per Click Search Engines’ - This is one of the
fastest ways to get targeted traffic. Just set up an
account with some of the top PPC search engines and start
bidding on keywords related to your product. Use the
keyword suggestion tools that the search engines provide to
make it easy to build your keyword list. Make a long list
of targeted keywords so you can take advantage of the least
expensive ones. Then write a killer ad with an attention
grabbing headline and start driving traffic to your website.

2) ‘Search Engines’ - To get the free traffic from the
search engines you will want to get ranked as high as
possible. So here are a few tips that should be helpful:
Have lots of links to other sites, use the best keywords for
your targeted market on your website/sales page and choose
your domain name wisely.

3) ‘Write Articles’ - Do you want to get a ton of free
traffic to your website? Just start writing articles and
submit them to related ezines. Always make sure your
articles are filled with quality content. And you can
include your bylines at the bottom of all articles. Then
whenever someone reads your article they will be exposed to
a link to your website.

4) ‘Solo Ads in Ezines’ - Solo ads should also be a good
way to send traffic to your site. Find ezines that are
related to your market and place ads with them. A solo ad
is someone sending your ad to their list without any other
ads. And the people reading your ad will feel it comes
recommended from the ezine owner. To search for ezines in
your related market just use your favorite search engine and
enter: “ezines ”. Fill in the blank with your
related market. Plus you can do a search for the top rated
websites in your related market and then contact them to see
if they accept solo ads in their ezines.

5) ‘Classified Ads in Ezines’ - Now this will be very
similar to solo ads but should be a lot cheaper because of
the smaller ad space. And classified ads will be sent out
with other ads and other content. But use the same
strategies as described in solo ads to generate traffic.
The secret here is to have a good ad with a great headline
to make readers click on your link. The better your ad is
then the more money you’ll make. Another thing to mention
is if your ads are making you money then keep running them.
But you will also want to run split test to try to improve
your ads.

6) ‘Ads to AOL Customers’ - You could send ads to the 20
million people using AOL to collect even more traffic. Just
use the same techniques as in ‘Classified Ads in Ezines’.
Again for best results try to create irresistible ads. Here
is the link to start placing AOL classified ads:

7) ‘Banner Ads’ - You may want to invest in some banner ads
for even more traffic. If you use a word banner ad, then it
can be written similar to a classified ad. Some banner ads
are cost per impression and others are cost per click. With
the cost per click banner ad you only pay when someone
visits your site, which may be better. 500 impressions
don’t really mean anything if no one visits your website.
But 500 clicks on your banner ad mean 500 people to your

8) ‘Linking to Websites’ - Another way to get targeted
traffic to your website is by linking to other sites. Only
link to reputable sites that you would want to recommend to
your good customers. Search for high traffic websites that
are related to yours and then try to get them to link to
your site. Collect information about these sites so you can
send them an email later. In your email compliment them on
their site and explain how linking to your site will benefit
them. Tell them their customers will be interested in the
information on your website. If they don’t agree to link to
your site then try exchanging links with them. Also start
an affiliate program it’s the ultimate linking system.

9) ‘Viral Marketing’ - You can also create lots of website
traffic using viral marketing. Create or buy a product that
is valuable and has permanent links back to your websites.
Then sell or give this product away and then let your
customers sell it or give it away. You will have a viral
product that can spread all over the internet like a virus
and all those links will keep sending prospects back to your

10) ‘Joint Ventures’ - Joint ventures are a great way to
get target traffic fast. When you do a JV with someone you
can promote each other’s product to your lists. Both JVs
will make sales and increase their customer lists almost
overnight. Once you start developing JVs you can use the
results from the first one to promote the next one. And the
more JVs you have the more sales you’ll make.

Remember don’t forget to test everything you do to find out
what works the best for your products.

Copyright © Duane Marx

Duane Marx
For other free marketing tips
please visit: www.internet-checklist.com

You have permission to publish this article
electronically or in print, free of charge, as
long as the bylines are included.

About the Author

Duane Marx
For other free marketing tips
please visit: www.internet-checklist.com