10 Explosive Ways To Elevate Your Sales

10 Explosive Ways To Elevate Your Sales

 by: Ken Hill

1. Publish an ezine.

Your ezine will provide you with a powerful way to continue to keep your marketing message on your visitors' minds.

Get more of your visitors to subscribe to your ezine by stressing the benefits your ezine will provide to them, and by providing a bonus for subscribing to your ezine.

Also get more of your "almost subscribers" to join your ezine by making a sample issue available on your site by autoresponder or by publishing an archive of your past issues on your site.

2. Have an about us section.

This section will help you to better tell your visitors what you can do for them.

It will also allow your visitors to get know you a little better, which will help you to increase your visitors' trust in you.

3. Publish lots of testimonials from your past customers.

Your testimonials will help you to build up your visitors' trust and confidence in your product.

Include your testimonials on your site and also include a couple of testimonials in each issue of your ezine to strengthen your subscribers' trust in you and your product.

4. Offer a money back guarantee.

Your guarantee will show that you stand behind your products or services and help you to alleviate any doubts or concerns your visitors may have about purchasing from you.

5. Provide an affiliate program for your visitors and customers to join.

View your affiliate program as a partnership between you and your affiliates and provide them with resources they can use to successfully promote your products and earn commissions.

For instance, you could provide them with sample ads, sample recommendations, and ebooks that they can rebrand with their affiliate URLs.

You could also make your articles available for them to publish in their ezines or on their websites with their affiliate URLs in your resource box.

6. Add a bonus for purchasing from you.

Your bonus could be ebooks, a resource that your visitors can use to promote their businesses, or you could provide your customers with a consultation with you.

7. Give your visitors a deadline for getting your bonus or for purchasing your product at a discount.

Your deadline will bolster your sales by giving your visitors an urgency to buy your product.

8. Include bulleted lists within your copy that detail all the benefits your visitors will get from purchasing your product.

Add a call to action such as "click here to order now" after your bulleted lists.

9. Answer your visitors' questions quickly and in a professional and friendly way.

Some of your visitors may have a lots of questions about your service. Be sure to offer detailed answers to them.

10. Write articles.

Writing articles is an excellent way for you to get more traffic to your site.

Writing articles will also help you to get more new subscribers to your ezine as your articles will give your readers a sneak peak at the quality content that they can expect from you.