10 Keys to Designing A Personal Lifelong Learning Process


Business Strengths

Our extensive knowledge of the adventure travel industry is
our greatest strength, in addition to our positioning in the

Business Weaknesses

The greatest weakness our business faces is our ability to
handle new competition. Currently, we are the only providers
of our services in the area, and any competitor that moves
in will pose a threat to our stability.



Our current profit goals are:
Year Two: $ post-tax profit
Year Three: $ post-tax profit
We have not established any other long-range profit goals at
this time


Our long-term sales goals are to operate at or close to cash
flow break-even by Year Two and to be profitable from Year
One onward. We would like our profit margin to be 7 percent
by Year Three.


Our long-term marketing goals are to develop an extensive
Web site, to increase our public relations activities, and
to create an informative store window to draw in customers.


Description of Our Customers

Our customers are to -year-old professionals, married
or unmarried, without children, who are .

Our Customers’ Needs

Our target customers are looking for customized planning
services that will provide them with all the information
necessary to take an adventure vacation in Europe. Often,
they do not have the time or the resources to do the
research themselves, so they turn to us for hassle-free
planning services.

Why Our Customers Choose Us

Our well-informed, up-to-date staff, combined with our
extensive knowledge of the ,
allows us to surpass the services provided by other

What Sets Us Apart From the Competition

What sets our company apart from our competitors is the fact
that we sell custom-designed packages for people. We ask
them questions, find out exactly what they want and need,
and direct them to the appropriate destinations.



Goals of the Campaign

We would like to increase our visibility, attract new
customers, and display special offers that are currently

Campaign Focus: Specific Products or General Promotion?

Our primary focus is to expand our customer base. We would
also like to keep our current customers aware of special
promotions we are offering and secure their future business
with us.

Products to be Advertised

We will be advertising our complete range of European
adventure travel services, special discounts on travel
packages, and sales on seasonal clothing and gear.

Measurements of Success

We will measure this ad campaign’s success by the number of
inquiries received after its launch. This includes phone
inquiries as well as inquiries made in person at the store.

Evaluation of Effectiveness

We will be reviewing the campaign’s effectiveness one month
after its launch. We will evaluate its effectiveness based
on the number of inquires we receive and any corresponding
increase in revenue.


Our Marketing Message:

No one knows more about [what] than [Your name].

Campaign Start Date

We will launch this marketing campaign in .

Length of Campaign

This campaign will run through , for a total of



Annual Marketing Budget $40,000

Budget For This Campaign

$81,025. This includes $41,325 for Web site and database
design, implementation, and hardware purchases, which will
be useful for more than one year and will therefore be
capitalized and depreciated accordingly.

Cost-Saving Measures

We plan to keep advertising costs down by targeting the most
appropriate advertising methods for our business, which
include online advertising, newspaper ads, and classified

About the Author

About the Author: Catherine Franz is a 30-year marketing
industry veteran, a Certified Business Coach, Certified
Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, author, and Master
Attraction Practitioner. Additional eNewsletters, tips and
articles are available at: http://www.abundancecenter.com
or by phone at: 703-671-5677