10 Steps to a Great Newsletter

10 Steps to a Great Newsletter

 by: Claire Cunningham

A newsletter can be a wonderful, economical way to communicate with prospects, customers, employees or distributors. Just follow these ten easy steps for newsletter success.

1) Define Your Audience Who are you publishing for? Clients (customers) – present, past and prospective? Employees? Your audience will define your content.

2) Set Objectives Create a solid foundation for your newsletter by writing down what you want to achieve.

3) Plan Content What interests your audience? Build your newsletter around whatever that is. Plan content at least half a year at a time. You can make changes along the way.

4) Establish a Budget Newsletters can be cost effective, but they’re not FREE. When you set a budget, consider start-up as well as ongoing, per-issue costs.

5) Decide On a Schedule Like any new habit it takes time to establish a pattern for a newsletter. But DO establish a pattern. Your reward will be consistent readership.

6) Select a Name Your “baby” needs a name. Choose something simple and relevant.

7) Develop a Design Determine format and length. Then select a simple design – and stick with it.

8) Assign the Task of Writing Designate a good writer, editor and proofreader – people who’ll respect your deadlines and tone.

9) Build Your Audience With Promotion There are lots of ways to build internal or external readership. Use them.

10)Keep It Going Plan ahead. Maintain your schedule. Be disciplined.

Don’t be afraid to call in help if you need it. Once you start the newsletter habit, it’s important to stick with it.