30 Questions To Test Your Marketing Activities

Today I want to show you a great way to highlight some instant ways for you to bring in more enquiries, test your activities and get yourself doing something simple at first, in an attempt to trigger that motivation.

The following are 30 suggestions that will immediately pinpoint where your business is doing well – and will help with moitoring it’s progress.

These are the questions that I ask my clients – and my experience has been that if you are able to spend a few minutes on an advisory email – the rewards can be quite surprising.

1 Can you tell exactly what it is that sets you apart from your competition?

2 Do you communicate the benefits of your product or service in all of your sales copy?

3 Have you done Telesales, and monitored the results?

4 Have you tested Direct Mail to attract new customers? Did you accurately measure those results?

5 Do you Thank your customers for their custom?

6 Are your ads the Direct Response variety?

7 Do you advertise in the same publications as your competitors?

8 When you speak to a potential new customer, do you use go overboard on the sales copy?

9 Do you revisit existing customer accounts?

10 Have you tested Web Advertising yet?

11 Do you send regular email communications to your customers and prospects?

12 How many training courses or qualifications did you pass last year? Do you impress Clients?

13 Do you suffer from Work Overload?

14 Do you set up an ongoing communication with qualified leads consisting of phone calls, letters and emails?

15 Do you use testimonials on your web site?

16 Do you have an excellent referrals systems in place?

17 Did you know that customers like answering questions about their business?

18 Do you offer something of value to your website visitors in return for their contact info

19 Do You contact your clients often? How often? When was the last time you did that?

20 Do you personalise your email newsletters?

21 Client Birthdays are a great Marketing opportunity, I bet you don’t use that to sell with?

22 Do you know that the best way to sell is to ask questions?

23 Do you ensure that any rented mailing lists are Targeted?

24 Do you take incredible care of your current customers? Or are they just a number?

25 Do you include a PS in all your emails?

26 Do you communicate on a regular basis to your current customers?

27 Do you use only 2 or 3 ways of marketing? What would happen if you increased that to 6 or 8?

28 If you used ten ways to market your business have you any idea how rich you would be?

29 Did you know that if you use a viral form of marketing that you can bring your ad costs to virtually 0%?

30 Do you realise that your competitors probably know hardly anything about Advertising?

Here’s some free advice. Pick a couple of these tips and make the decision today to do something! Do come back to this checklist regularly.

About the Author

Christopher is owner of an ad company