Send your customers a catalog of add-on products
for the original product they purchased. This could be
upgrades, special services, attachments, etc. If they
enjoy your product they will buy the extra add-ons.
You could charge other businesses for including their
products in the catalog too. This'll help to pay for
postage, packaging and producing the catalog. If
you want to cut costs, produce the catalog in email
or ebook format.
Sell gift certificates for your products. You'll make
sales from the purchase of the gift certificate, when
the recipient cashes it in. If the recipient never uses
the gift certificate, it adds up to a huge profit.
When people do use their gift certificates they may
also buy other products you offer while they are
shopping around your web site.
Add free products in with your customer's product
package. The freebies should have your ad printed
on them. It could be bumper stickers, ball caps,
T-shirts, etc. This'll allow other people to see your
You also could spread your advertising by including
two to five samples in your product package. They
can give them to their friends and family.
1) Send customers a print or electronic catalog of
your add-on products with their product package.
2) Use gift certificates to increase back end sales,
your advertising and profits.
3) Give your customers promotional products and
samples so they will spread your advertising.
About the Author
Larry Dotson
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