5 Simple Reasons Why Your Catalogs Are Not Earning

There are a lot reasons why your catalogs are not making you the money you want. It is not just about the lack of money spent in color catalog printing really. The failure of catalogs stems shortcomings in the design, message and the quality printing. Let me list down for you five of the main and simple reasons why your color catalogs are not making money. This should help you root out all your problems in catalog printing, and get you back on the profit track with your next batch of catalog prints.

1. Badly promoted products - The most basic reason why a color catalog cannot make money for you is because of badly promoted products. In catalogs, the products and their pages must always be optimized for selling. Not only must all the details for products be there, but also the products must be presented with the best images possible. That is why you should not just list those products and their prices. Hire a professional layout artist for catalog printing so that all your products are presented properly with their little sales section on each catalog page.

2. Wrong marketing offers - Another big reason why many color catalogs fail to sell things is the statement of wrong marketing offers. Some people think that offer freebies will help, while others think that discounts are the best. It is not enough to just decide randomly on these things. You must have a marketing campaign that targets people precisely and gets those people excited and primed to really buy. This basically entails doing the proper research about your market and then presenting the best marketing offers that they respond to. Without that direction you might as well be flying blind with selling through your catalogs.

3. Lack of clearly marked ordering processes - Sometimes, some designers also fail to realize that the failure of their catalogs is all about the lack of clearly marked ordering or response processes. Those catalogs might have presented the best marketing message ever, but if people do not know how to avail of that offer effectively and immediately, you might lose that sales momentum. That is why it is very important that the ordering or sales process is explained clearly in special sections throughout the catalogs. Without those, all your color catalogs are doomed to fail.

4. Shoddy or bad catalog printing - Another simple reason why some color catalogs fail is because of shoddy or bad catalog printing. This issue is all about the overall look really of the catalogs. Shoddy looking or cheap looking color catalogs just do not cut it, and people think that those catalogs are old are inaccurate. Successful catalogs typically will have a decent enough paper material that is glossy or have a good thickness that makes it very tough and solid looking.

This means that for most people, it is best to print catalogs in the best quality materials available. Without those, you may risk failure with your custom catalogs.

5. No effective distribution - Color catalogs can fail because of the lack of effective distribution methods. Simply giving it away at your shop does not work. You will need a lot of different strategies so that you can approach people with marketing catalogs in different places. You can send them via mail, give them along with other products, use freebies to entice people to pick them up. You might also want to leave them at high traffic areas where a lot of people might be tempted to pick them up. With lots of different avenues of distribution, your custom catalogs will have a far better chance at succeeding at its job.

So those are the main reasons why you may not be earning money from your catalog printing. Try the solutions stated above to help yourself out.

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