5 Steps to Creating an 'Anticipated' Ezine

Everyone and their brother seem to be getting into
the ezine (Electronic Magazine, or newsletter) business.
Competition for subscribers is getting fierce. Getting
subscribers is not too hard. But KEEPING them is
a challenge!

Here are five important steps to making your
ezine subscribers anticipate, open, and read it every
time, rather than looking for the delete button or the
unsubscribe instructions.

1. Spell it out. Let your readers know exactly what
they are going to find in each issue right up front.
Include an easy to scan Table of Contents as near the
top of the issue as possible. Try to limit any ads or
information that precede your ezine Title and table of
Contents to one (or less! LOL)

It's no secret that folks are busy. You MUST inform them
of what is included in your issue, in a manner that is easy to
scan. Of course, this makes the wording of your titles
extremely important, if you're going to catch their attention
and convince them to scroll down and read what you've
spelled out for them.

2. Be consistent. Set a format, and stick to it for every
issue. Decide on some basic categories for content, and
don't make changes very often. Your subscribers will
know what to expect in each issue, and be able to find
the information they have been anticipating.

2. Keep it short. Don't overload each issue. Two or three
segments per issue. (as above, repeating the same segments
in each issue) Don't overwhelm your subscribers with
more than they are able to digest, or browse through.

Consider offering one feature article, and one or two other
segments, which will all depend on the theme of your ezine.
You only have their attention for about 5 - 10 seconds after
they open your email. You MUST catch their attention in
that time, or they'll be gone. And you'll only get a couple
of chances. Sometimes, even less. One or two issues
of not catching their attention, and they're looking for the
unsubscription instructions.

3. Pack it full. Just because you offer a short, quick,
simple to read ezine, doesn't mean you can't fill it full of
great information. There is your challenge! And the bottom
line to establishing your publication as the one that's read
and anticipated. What you choose to include in the short
time that you have their attention, MUST be informational,
useful, fresh, inspiring, and entertaining. Write your own
articles, if at all possible. If you are not ready for that yet,
work at finding content that is full of meat - content that
gives the reader something to take with him, something
you know he can use. There are a lot of article writers out
there. Pick and choose carefully - insist on the best!

4. Avoid advertising overload. Yes, we all know, our
ezine is our promotion connection to the internet world.
But don't take advantage of your subscribers. Minimize
the advertising as much as possible. One or two sponsor
ads, and a handful of classified ads (no more than 10!) are
about all any reader can handle. And beware of trying to
pawn off advertising for all your informational content. It
might work on some newbies, but you're not going to
pull it over on the more experienced reader who is looking
for real information. At least, not if it is all they are getting.

This is an important point, especially if you write your own
articles. The most published and anticipated articles are
those that contain NO personal promotional links whatsover,
except in your bio or resource box that you include with the

Think about how its done on television, radio, and in all the
hard copy magazines. The advertising is there, no doubt.
And there is usually more than we appreciate, but we
accept it and tolerate it, knowing it pays their bills. But
in between the ads, we are more than likely reading that
magazine, watching that program, or listening to that
station because we are getting something we can use
and/or enjoy.

Publishing an Ezine is an important part of marketing any
internet site or Ebusiness. It's not an easy task, or something
to take lightly. It takes loads of time, lots of research
and/or writing, and genuine dedication to your
subscribers! Just give them information that is useful,
entertaining, inspiring, or of course, all three! They'll
anticipate the arrival of your latest issue, and keep on
coming back for more!

About the Author

Mike and Gail of CMYMTC.com, masters in E-Book and Ezine
creation along with Internet Marketing, Hosting and Website
design, can teach you everything you need to know so you can
produce and publish successful E-Books and Ezines. You can
share in the profits of their successful products with their top
affiliate programs. http://www.cmymtc.com/affprogs.htm