5 Strategies That Damage Online Marketing Effectiveness

Your marketing effectiveness determines not only the amount of profits your business generates but also the amount of effort you invest as well! Owning your own business has never been easier due to the growing popularity and acceptance of marketing on the internet. However many people working online have adopted certain 'strategies' that can inadvertently stall or diminish their business success! Now this is not to say that these strategies do not sometimes work, but over time, by consistently using them, it is very easy for people to develop a lack of trust in you.

Here are 5 such strategies often seen and used by many marketing on the internet that can end up coming back to haunt you and your reputation down the line!

Scarcity Claims

Making false scarcity claims is not the way to earn the trust of people on the internet. When offering products or service to others with the claim that enrollment or product availability is limited will tend to tarnish your image. Remember people are able to easily view the same offer months later and when they do you can bet they will remember your previous claims.

Pop Ups

I can honestly say I have never used pop ups on any website simply because I find them irritating. In the very early stages of their use they were more effective due to the relative newness of the tactic, but now everybody uses them. What could be more irritating when trying to leave a page than to be held 'captive' by a pop up. Remember when people are leaving your site, the last thing you need to do is block their exit with one of these pop ups. Do you assume that will 'increase' your marketing effectiveness or integrity with others?

False Price Increases

This strategy ranks right up there with scarcity claims as far as being effective anymore. By and large people generally dismiss such claims anymore since in most cases the claims are false. So now what you have accomplished is branded yourself as a liar while also using pressure tactics that did not work. Remember when working online your business success will be based upon developing a good relationship with others and using sales tactics like these will not help do that.


When people make a purchase there is generally a little bit of self doubt going on as to whether they made the right decision. For many making such a decision can be down right uncomfortable but when they do the last thing they want to be faced with is yet another decision that needs to be made. Worse yet it needs to be made 'before' they can even see the product they just purchased. This strategy makes for a very uncomfortable experience when people are making a purchase. In most cases all it does is 'increase' their doubt when what you should really be trying to do is make people feel good about their purchase!

Ridiculous Product Claims

Your business success online will only come after developing not only the business itself, but also healthy relationships with others as well. Obviously this will take some time therefore does it make any sense to stand behind 'less than truthful' product claims? It only takes a short period of time for people to realize you served up little more than hype to them when presenting the product. It would seem continual use of such tactics would only stall any business success since it will take you that much longer to win the trust of others!

Remember, owning your own business comes with certain responsibilities and maintaining good ethics is chief amongst them!

Always striving to increase your marketing effectiveness when working online makes good business sense from both a profit and effort standpoint! The fact is owning your own business is an investment of both money and time, and when you can earn more in less time, and with less effort, you are doing something right! Building trust is one of the best ways to increase your effectiveness online but consistently using any of the 5 strategies reviewed above can erode any trust you have built. Without having the confidence of others in what you say or do can limit or harm your business success. Developing a good reputation when marketing on the internet is one of the wisest and most recommended things you can do. It is important to remember however, it is very easy to damage any trust you have developed, and very difficult to earn it back!